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Prashant Chauhan
& This is my Digital Journal.
Prashant Chauhan digital marketing trainer

Let's Talk Growth.

Our digital marketing training courses and consulting services have helped many individuals, corporates, and businesses increase their traffic and improve their online presence, and we can do the same for you.


Why Prashant Chauhan for digital marketing?

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I am proud to have worked with some of the best projects worldwide over the past 8 years, and shared my knowledge with team, businesses and individuals.

Result Driven.

Digital Marketing Services


Digital Marketing Solutions

I’m digital marketer and help brands crafting their unique digital identity to get 100% return on their expectations.

Build a brand from Scratch

If you really wanna master the art of advertising and learn from my 8+ years of experiences with top industry leaders, then you can connect with me for the training purpose.

Branding is crucial for startups in India and worldwide, with research showing that 70% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand they recognize. Effective branding can increase a startup’s revenue by up to 23%, as it builds trust and loyalty in a competitive market. 

Check out what are factors important for branding.

Research in marketing is vital for startups in India, as 64% of companies that invest in market research see a higher return on investment. Understanding consumer behavior through research can boost a startup’s growth by up to 20%, helping them tailor strategies effectively.

Website creation is essential for global startup growth, with 88% of consumers researching online before making a purchase. A well-designed website can increase a startup’s credibility and customer reach, leading to a 45% higher chance of business success.

Setting up fundamental digital marketing tools like Google Products, Bing, Yahoo, and other essential SEO and analytics tools is crucial for businesses to thrive in the digital age. These tools help in understanding customer behavior, optimizing marketing strategies, and ultimately driving business growth.

  1. Google Analytics:

    • Overview: Tracks and reports website traffic.
    • Importance: Understand visitor behavior, measure marketing campaign effectiveness, and identify trends.
  2. Google Ads:

    • Overview: Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform.
    • Importance: Drive targeted traffic, increase brand visibility, and generate leads.
  3. Google Search Console:

    • Overview: Tool for monitoring website performance in Google search results.
    • Importance: Identify and fix indexing issues, optimize for search queries, and enhance SEO strategies.
  4. Google My Business:

    • Overview: Free tool for managing online presence across Google.
    • Importance: Improve local SEO, manage customer reviews, and provide essential business information.

Bing and Yahoo

  1. Bing Webmaster Tools:

    • Overview: Similar to Google Search Console but for Bing.
    • Importance: Monitor and optimize site performance in Bing search results, analyze search traffic, and fix indexing issues.
  2. Yahoo Search Marketing:

    • Overview: PPC advertising on Yahoo’s search network.
    • Importance: Reach a different audience, enhance brand visibility, and complement Google Ads efforts.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools

  1. SEO Basics:

    • Overview: Practices to increase the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results.
    • Importance: Improve search engine rankings, drive organic traffic, and increase online visibility.
  2. Keyword Research Tools:

    • Examples: Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush.
    • Importance: Identify high-value keywords, understand search volume and competition, and optimize content.
  3. Content Management Systems (CMS):

    • Examples: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal.
    • Importance: Simplify website creation and management, optimize for SEO, and improve user experience.

Social Media and Email Marketing

  1. Social Media Platforms:

    • Examples: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram.
    • Importance: Engage with customers, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to the website.
  2. Email Marketing Tools:

    • Examples: MailChimp, Constant Contact, Sendinblue.
    • Importance: Nurture leads, build customer relationships, and promote products or services.

Analytics and Reporting

  1. Data Analysis Tools:

    • Examples: Google Analytics, Microsoft Power BI, Tableau.
    • Importance: Analyze marketing data, measure performance, and make data-driven decisions.
  2. Reporting Tools:

    • Examples: Google Data Studio, HubSpot, Zoho Analytics.
    • Importance: Create comprehensive reports, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and visualize data.

SEO is crucial for startups in India, as 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results. Effective SEO can boost a startup’s visibility and organic traffic by up to 50%, driving growth and competitive advantage. 

Check Search engine optimization in detail

To help a brand I will build strong social media presence, create engaging, high-quality content tailored to their target audience, and leverage analytics to track performance and optimize strategies for better results. Collaborate with influencers and encourage user-generated content to boost authenticity and reach. Check out detailed Social media marketing services.

Search engine marketing (SEM) is vital for startups in India, with 65% of clicks going to paid ads on Google. Investing in SEM can increase brand visibility and drive immediate traffic, leading to accelerated growth and market penetration.

Setting up a funnel is crucial for startups in India, as businesses with a well-defined funnel experience a 33% higher conversion rate. It streamlines customer acquisition, nurturing, and retention processes, optimizing growth and profitability effectively. TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU.

Email marketing is essential for startups in India, yielding an average ROI of 3000%. It effectively nurtures leads, builds customer relationships, and drives sales, contributing significantly to business growth and profitability.

Automation setup and AI are critical for startups in India, reducing operational costs by 25% and boosting productivity by 30%. Implementing AI-driven automation streamlines processes, enhances decision-making, and accelerates growth in competitive markets.

WhatsApp and chat marketing are pivotal for startups in India, with over 400 million active users. Leveraging these platforms can increase customer engagement by 3x, driving sales and fostering direct, personalized interactions crucial for business growth.

Generate revenue for business

Elevate your brand's online presence and engagement with our tailored social media marketing services, expertly crafted to drive growth and foster meaningful connections.

Lead generation campaigns are essential for startups in India, with 68% of businesses seeing increased sales through targeted campaigns. Effective lead generation can boost conversion rates by up to 20%, fueling sustainable growth and expanding customer bases.

TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU are stages in the sales funnel that represent different levels of a buyer’s journey. Here’s a brief explanation of each:

  1. TOFU (Top of Funnel):

    • Stage: Awareness
    • Objective: Attract a broad audience and raise awareness about your brand, product, or service.
    • Content Types: Blog posts, social media updates, videos, infographics, and eBooks.
    • Example: A blog post explaining common problems in your industry.
  2. MOFU (Middle of Funnel):

    • Stage: Consideration
    • Objective: Engage and nurture prospects who have shown interest and are considering solutions.
    • Content Types: Case studies, webinars, whitepapers, newsletters, and detailed guides.
    • Example: A webinar explaining how your product can solve specific problems.
  3. BOFU (Bottom of Funnel):

    • Stage: Decision
    • Objective: Convert prospects into customers by presenting compelling offers and detailed information.
    • Content Types: Demos, free trials, consultations, customer testimonials, and pricing information.
    • Example: A free trial or demo of your product.


  • TOFU (Top of Funnel): Attract and inform.
  • MOFU (Middle of Funnel): Engage and nurture.
  • BOFU (Bottom of Funnel): Convert and close sales.

Interlink different analytics tools to examine the data.

Generate leads and sales for a business by implementing targeted ad campaigns on social media platforms to reach potential customers and using compelling call-to-actions and landing pages to convert interest into sales. Additionally, engage with your audience through consistent, value-driven content and personalized interactions to build trust and drive conversions. Check out more on our Social media marketing services.

Search engine marketing (SEM) is vital for startups in India, with 65% of clicks going to paid ads on Google. Investing in SEM can increase brand visibility and drive immediate traffic, leading to accelerated growth and market penetration.

Creating custom audiences with your data is crucial in digital marketing, enabling personalized targeting and higher engagement. Businesses using custom audiences see a 48% increase in ROI, as it helps tailor marketing efforts to specific customer segments, improving conversion rates and customer retention.

Guest blogging and PR significantly enhance online marketing by boosting brand credibility and expanding audience reach. These strategies can increase referral traffic by up to 60% and improve search engine rankings, driving sustained business growth.

ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) campaigns measure the revenue generated for every Rupee spent on advertising. They are crucial as businesses with effective ROAS campaigns see an average of 4x return on their ad investments, allowing for optimized ad spending and increased profitability.

Remarketing and retargeting campaigns are strategies used to re-engage users who have previously interacted with your website or digital content.


  • Definition: Typically involves using email to reach out to users who have engaged with your site or brand but did not convert.
  • Benefits: Studies show that remarketing emails have a 3x higher open rate and a 2x higher click-through rate compared to standard marketing emails, enhancing customer re-engagement and conversion opportunities.


  • Definition: Uses display ads to target users who have visited your website but did not make a purchase.
  • Benefits: Retargeting ads can lead to a 10x increase in click-through rates compared to regular display ads. Additionally, retargeted customers are 70% more likely to convert, significantly improving sales and ROI.

Advanced analytics and data understanding are vital in digital marketing, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and optimize campaigns. Companies using data-driven strategies achieve 5-8 times higher ROI, significantly enhancing marketing effectiveness and customer targeting.


Learn one-on-one

The most industry standard, practical, and job oriented training.


Digital Marketing Training

Digital marketing is a very fascinating skill and I love to share what I learn on daily basis. 

Corporate Training

To achieve high standard performance for your clients you may need a high performing team. I have 5+ years of experience in training employee for top tier corporates. Connect with me for detailed discussion on your requirements.

One on One Sessions

If you really wanna master the art of advertising and learn from my 8+ years of experiences with top industry leaders, then check out different courses I have created on Digital marketing courses section. Or you can connect with me for one-on-one sessions.

Digital Marketing Courses

Branding & Designing

Learning branding and content creation in digital marketing is crucial for crafting a distinct brand identity that resonates with your audience, fostering trust and loyalty. Effective branding and content creation also drive engagement, differentiate your business in a competitive landscape.

Website creation

Learning website creation using WordPress and Shopify in digital marketing is essential for effectively establishing and managing online presences. These platforms provide robust tools for building professional websites and e-commerce stores. 

Learning search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial in digital marketing to enhance website visibility, attract organic traffic, and improve overall search engine rankings, ensuring businesses reach their target audience effectively and efficiently.

Social media Marketing

Learning social media marketing is crucial because it enables you to reach a vast audience, engage with customers directly, and drive targeted traffic to your business. Mastering this skill can significantly boost brand awareness and generate valuable leads in today’s digital landscape.

Google ads (SEM)

Learning Google Ads empowers you to create highly targeted ad campaigns that reach potential customers precisely when they are searching for your products or services. This skill can drive valuable traffic and conversions, optimizing your advertising budget for maximum profit.

Analytics & Tracking

Learning web analytics empowers you to understand user behavior, optimize website performance, and make data-driven decisions. This skill is crucial for improving marketing strategies, increasing conversions, and achieving business goals effectively.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is very important for building direct and personalized communication with your audience, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. It remains one of the most cost-effective digital marketing strategies, delivering a strong return on investment.

Remarketing & Retargeting

Learning remarketing and retargeting is essential for maximizing conversion rates by re-engaging potential customers who have previously shown interest in your products or services by targeting users with personalized ads.

Make money from Blogging

Blogging can turn your passion for writing into a lucrative income stream, providing financial independence and flexibility. By mastering monetization strategies, you can leverage your blog to generate consistent revenue through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing

Learning affiliate marketing empowers you to generate passive income by promoting products and earning commissions, making it a lucrative skill in the digital economy. Additionally, it provides valuable insights into online marketing strategies, helping you enhance your overall digital marketing expertise.

Ecommerce Mastery

Learning ecommerce marketing is crucial as online shopping continues to grow exponentially, providing valuable skills to effectively promote products, increase sales, and compete in the global marketplace. Mastering ecommerce marketing ensures you can capitalize on digital trends and reach a wider audience, driving business growth and profitability.

Freelance & Job Preparation

Prepare for success in freelance, agency work, or digital marketing jobs by mastering essential skills like SEO, PPC advertising, and social media management, and showcasing your ability to drive tangible results for clients or employers. 

Digital Marketing Tips & Tricks

Reset your WordPress website using WP Reset Plugin

Creating a website using wordpress can get exhausting and you would come to a phase where you would like to erase everything and start from scratch. In this article we will tell you how to reset your...

Sitemap Submission – Rank faster in Search engines

For WordPress you can use plugins like Yoast SEO, rankmath, or all-in-one SEO to auto-submit the sitemap. But if you want full control over what you want to list or what not then following the above...

Create Schema Markup | Technical SEO to Rank Faster in Google

Schema markup, also called structured data, is a kind of code you add to your website’s HTML. It helps search engines understand your website’s content better. This can improve how your...

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